Parkinson's UK Cirencester & Stroud Branch
07586 532635 ask for Karen

The Parkinson’s Advisor Service has just been increased in Gloucestershire.

Ali Hendley is the newly appointed Parkinson’s Local Adviser in Gloucestershire.  The Local Adviser teams across the UK have been expanded in order to increase the support that Parkinson’s UK offers the community through this role.  The Local Adviser can provide support for people who:-
  • have just been diagnosed and are looking for advice and information
  • are looking for tips on how to deal with the day-to-day impact of Parkinson’s
  • need support with caring for a partner, friend or family member with Parkinson’s
  • need emotional support
  • want to find out more about the services available in their area
  • want to learn about their rights and entitlements
  • would like help to navigate the benefits process
  • would like information on where to find grants and financial help
  • would like support on employment issues
  • would like support with anything else relating to their life with Parkinson’s

Ali Hendley

Parkinson’s Local Adviser – South West

T: 020 7963 3745

M: 07842 449 293