Parkinson's UK Cirencester & Stroud Branch
07586 532635 ask for Karen

We, have the following fundraising events planned throughout 2024, this table will be updated periodically:-

Event 2024




Cirencester Golf Club (2024) £6,000 £4,490
Big Cream Teas (April) £500 £1,432
Clubbing Together (May) £7,000 £9,102
Guy Deacon (June) £1000 £819
PPU7 (October) £4,000 £0
CCoC Awards Raffle £0 £393
McGills Accountancy (2024) £2,000 £357
2024 Overall Total £20,000 £16,593
2023 Total Raised £10,000 £19,729
On-going Total £36,322

Updated 16th July

If anyone wishes to donate to Parkinson’s UK for their research campaigns to help find a cure, please follow this link:

DONATE HERE to help us find a cure.

Donations can also be made by testamentary dispositions (through personal wills) and in-memoriam donations.

Please contact Branch Chairman Kevin Young for information regarding all donations.

Thank you.