Parkinson's UK Cirencester & Stroud Branch
07586 532635 ask for Karen

OUR ‘MENU OF CHOICE’ – 2025 Events and Activities

Regular Monthly Events Where Time
Committee Meetings (bi-monthly) Siddington Park, Cirencester
Cirencester Members Meetings (3rd Mon) St. Lawrence’s Church Hall, Cirencester 2-4pm
Stroud Members Meeting (2nd Tue) Pavilion in the Park, Cainscross, Stroud 1:30-3:30pm
Cam & Dursley Members Meetings (3rd Thu) Cam Parish Council Rooms, Cam 10:30-12pm
Cuppa-Chat (last Wed) Cirencester Baptist Church 10:30-12pm
Tetbury Café / Walk & Talk Coffee Meetings (2nd Thu) The Goods Shed, Tetbury 2-3:30pm
Cam & Dursley Café Leaf and Ground, Dursley 3-5pm
Parkinson’s Walking Football (every 2 weeks) Cirencester Arena 1:30-2:30pm



Exercise Tue 7th Parky Pals Walking Football Cirencester Arena 1:30 – 2:30pm
Walk / Coffee / Meet Up Thu 9th Coffee / Walk / Chat Tetbury Goods Shed 1-3pm
Stroud Members’ Meeting Tue 14th TALK – Sarah Davies, The Mind Clinic Cainscross 1:30-3:30pm
Cirencester Members Mtg Mon 20th TALK – Helen Mathews CEO Cure Parkinson’s St Lawrence Church Hall, Cirencester 2-4pm
Cam Members Mtg Thu 23rd TALK – to be confirmed Cam Council Rooms, Cam 10:30-12
Social Wed 29th Cuppa-Chat Social Meetup Baptist Church, Cirencester 10:30-12


CARER’S TRAINING Mon 3rd Lifting & Handling People St Lawrence Church Hall, Cirencester 12-2pm
Exercise Tue 4th Parky Pals Walking Football Cirencester Arena 1:30 – 2:30pm
Cam Café Meet Up Wed 5th Meet for a coffee and a chat Leaf & Ground, Dursley 3-5pm
CARER’S TRAINING Mon 10th Lifting & Handling People Frampton Mansell Village Hall 12-2pm
Stroud Members’ Meeting Tue 11th TALK – Dr Will Young – Gait / Walking / Freezing Cainscross 1:30-3:30pm
Walk / Coffee / Meet Up Thu 13th Coffee / Walk / Chat Tetbury Goods Shed 1-3pm
Cirencester Members Mtg Mon 17th MUSIC – Phil Collins and his ukuleles St Lawrence Church Hall, Cirencester 2-4pm
Cam Members Mtg Thu 20th TALK – to be confirmed Cam Council Rooms, Cam 10:30-12
Social Wed 26th Cuppa-Chat Social Meetup Baptist Church, Cirencester 10:30-12


Exercise Tue 4th Parky Pals Walking Football Cirencester Arena 1:30 – 2:30pm
Cam Café Meet Up Wed 5th Meet for a coffee and a chat Leaf & Ground, Dursley 3-5pm
Stroud Members’ Meeting Tue 11th TALK – Megan Baker House (Cognitive Therapy) Cainscross 1:30-3:30pm
Walk / Coffee / Meet Up Thu 13th Coffee / Walk / Chat Tetbury Goods Shed 1-3pm
Cirencester Members Mtg Mon 20th Branch AGM

Exercise from Kate Holland

TALK from David Newbold, Parkinson’s UK Director

St Lawrence Church Hall, Cirencester 2-4pm
Exercise Tue 18th Parky Pals Walking Football Cirencester Arena 1:30 – 2:30pm
Cam Members Mtg Thu 20th TALK – to be confirmed Cam Council Rooms, Cam 10:30-12
Social Wed 29th Cuppa-Chat Social Meetup Baptist Church, Cirencester 10:30-12